What is it Reiki?
What is it Reiki?
I use Reiki every day, for 18 years already. Reiki is my irreplaceable helper in my situation. I thought that everybody knew what is Reiki. But I found out, that Reiki is not so well known. Some people know what it is, some people sense what it could be and a lot of people don't know what Reiki is and they have never met it.
Therefore, I would like to introduce Reiki to you.
And what is Reiki for me?

Reiki is loving, infinite, universal life energy for me. Reiki is power for me, that helps me calm down, stop, perceive and feel what's going on inside and outside of my body. Reiki is deeply intelligent and incredibly subtle creature for me. For me, it is an endless journey of life, where I constantly learn new things.
Reiki brings me joy in the form of happy people. These people find in Reiki both relief from their physical pains and opening them and at the same time showing them their way to healing the soul. The Reiki power penetrates all areas of our lifes, when we work with Reiki.
It is magical to hear:
"I used to be cold from the fall to the spring. Since I have been using Reiki I have not been cold at all! All fall, winter and last spring I'm fine!" (Iven and Lia, they have Reiki 1)
"I remember how beautiful Reiki warmed me up. Until I tried it, I didn't believe... But as you feel the power of Reiki, you are amazed." (Petra, she has Reiki 1)
"I felt reborn, after the first Reiki treatment. It helped me so much. And it was even better after the second treatment. I have a lot of energy now." (Julie)
And a lot of other experiences, that you can find on:
For me, Reiki is a force that helps me with common pains, such as beginning sore throat, fatigue, beginning headache. I never let any pain go full. Reiki will help me right from their start.
Reiki taught me to stop and think in pain overy time. Where the pain came from and what the body is trying to tell me. And when I actually figure out what happened and I accept the pain, most of the pain and symptoms disappear immediately. Reiki teaches me very deep intuition and perception.
I have one great experience with it:
About 2 years ago I woke up in the morning. Ugly outside. I didn't want to get up at all but I had to. I made the breakfast quickly, fast bathroom, fast hair wash... and STOP! My body roared to stop and something crunched there. I stayed bent over the bath and couldn't move. And crazy pain. You may have experienced something like this.
What to do now - I have to work! I slowly tried small movements and stretches - everything hurt terribly. OK, it won't go that way.
I stopped. I wrapped a towel around my wet hair and moved carefully back to bed. At the same time I informed my body, that the work will wait and I will pamper my body, that it now requires. I found the position that didn't hurt. I put my hands on my back where it hurt the most. I gave Reiki myself. My hands began to warm up beautifully around the sore area. (You can help yourself with Reiki. It's not just about helping others.)
I calmed down completely and plunged into my body. My intuition has gone full. My soul began to say what really bothered her. It was such as internal dialogue. I lead it whenever something happens to me. "You are hurrying at enormous speed and you don't see what's going on around you! Brake! You have loaded so many things on your back. You can't manage it! Something needs to be thrown away. You don't have to do everything what others ask you to do! You don't have to make everything in time! You know there is no time! You are on the side road. You got off the main road that led you to your destination! You must go back..."
"Wow", I replied. "I'm so sorry my body, I accept it. So, I throw it out and that. And I won't do this. It's not important for me anyway. And I'm going to stay home today and I will pamper you my body. My job will not run away today. Besides, I will work on myself today."
The pain released. I thanked Reiki and took my hands off. I got up without pain and switched on some music. I felt the place a little bit. I sat in meditation. I shifted my attention to my spine where it hurt. I let Love flow there. At the same time, I immagined the whole area to be perfectly healthy and fine. Then I ate in peace. After that, I took the book and read. In the afternoon I devoted my time to very fine yoga and stretching the whole body. I didn't even know about any pain in the evening.
The next day I went to work calmly and without any hurry. I decided to change some things and I did it...
About 10 years ago, this situation would mean pain for me for several days. I would go to work through the pain. I would definitely swallow several "pink" painkillers. And if that hadn't stopped, I would have crawled somewhere for rehabilitation and please someone to help me. Or worse, I would have to wait for free term of rehabilitation, because they are always busy. And at the same time, I would definitely swear at everything around me. Because it's all and everyone else's fault. Just not me!...
You know, even though I'm a Reiki teacher, I sometimes forget and my body reminds me everything. I also have my pains and I make mistakes in my life as other people. Mistakes are nothing wrong but they teach us on our way through life. I have very powerful tools and trained intuition with Reiki. And I can find out quickly where the cause is and what the body and soul are trying to tell me. Then I can work on it. It's just the Way.
Reiki is a wonderful day spa for my soul and my body.
What does writer Walter Lubeck say about Reiki in his Great book about Reiki?
"Reiki connects, but does not bind.
Reiki encourages, but does not irritate.
Reiki separates but does not provide isolation.
Reiki soothes but does not induce stiffness.
Reiki draws attention to life and love in heart.
Reiki negotiates clear but without indifference.
Reiki awakens and promotes the development of latens potentials of all kinds."
So, what is Reiki?
The word Reiki can be divided into 2 Japanese common words: Rei and Ki
Rei means universal, all-pervasive.
The word "rei" in Japanese translation means: rain, water from the heaven that nourishes the land, water as a life-giving fluid, water that allows entire plant to grow from a single grain of rice.
Ki means energy, heart, spirit, soul.
The word "ki" means steam coming out of the pot while cooking rice, in accurate translation.
Only by combining the whole meaning with the word "rei" the energy of Mother Earth ( grain of rice and soil) and Father of Heaven ( water) can be united.
Reiki is therefore universal energy, life energy, healing energy, energy supporting life processes. It is energy that surrounds us. And each of us can learn to work with it.
Reiki connects us to the Universe. It connects us with tremendous power within and around us.
Reiki is also the whole system that works with this universal energy. People have been working with this energy for many years. It does not mean decades or perhaps hundreds of years. But people have been working with this energy for thousands, tens of thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands of years. It is just as old as humanity itself. Only it was not called reiki before.
Energy work was used in India and Egypt a long time before.
Even each one of us works subconsciously with our own energy. When we have a tooth ache, we put our hand there. When we have a headache, we also put our hand on it first. We usually start thinking about medicine or other methods after that. We have it encoded in our body and mind.
What happens when you put your own hands on a sore spot? The body takes energy where it does not need it and redirects it to the place where is your hand. Where the body needs help. Nothing more, nothing less. How simple.
Unfortunately, the time we live, what we eat, what we drink, what and how we breathe, how we move and especially how we think, how we surround ourselves,... our body is completly clogged with all sorts of poisons. Humens stop to perceiving intuition and stop to listening to what their body and soul tell them.
And this is where Reiki comes to help us.
This energy was "rediscovered" and began used in Japan in 19th century. They have put together total treatmens. And they found simple way to pass Reiki art to other people, who want to work with it and use it for themselves and others.
The Reiki road was arisen. People at seminars learn how to work with this energy, step by step. First they learn how to help themselves. Then how to help others and then other beings here on the Earth. It is also a way of personality development, perception and intuition development. Especially the intuition is strengthened and then "you will know".
Reiki is not religion. Reiki does not contradict any religioun or meditation practices or initiations. But Reiki will enrich them and strengthen versatility.
Reiki is the magical journey that you can follow, which will guide you through your life.
I wish you to try Reiki yourself during the treatment. Or you learn how to work with Reiki and let the Universe follow this wonderful journey.